Our Vision & Main Objectives

Commited to Excellence

The mission of the HCWA is the promotion of the Greek language and culture. With this in mind, we offer a variety of courses tailored to different types of audiences from beginners and intermediate speakers to Greeks who may wish to re-engage in learning Greek. Furthermore, new courses are regularly added throughout the year. Regardless of where you are in your journey of learning Greek, we will find a spot to accommodate you. We offer a supportive, student-centred environment held in St. Andrews Grammar, Dianella and the Hellenic Community Centre in Northbridge, serving the learning needs of our prospective students and the expectations of our parents. 

Creating a classroom environment where children feel safe, free and included. Opening our hearts and arms and embracing all Hellenes at heart with respect and dedication in sharing our knowledge and culture. Everyone is welcome.

Our Main Objectives Include:

  • To improve students’ academic performance in speaking, comprehending, reading and writing Greek
  • To instil students with intrinsic motivation to learn the Greek culture and aspects of the Hellenic civilization
  • To instil Positive Action principles into students’ cognitive, affective, and behavioural learning domains
  • To contribute to the teaching and achieving of core performance standards and outcomes - To improve students’ behavior towards learning of Greek.
  • To develop students’ character
  • To develop well-rounded students: including physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally

Our School Environment

  • To assist the school, i.e., administrators, teachers, students and support staff, to reach their academic and behavioural benchmarks and goals
  • To achieve a violence and bullying free 
  • To create a positive learning environment throughout the school
  • To teach that all activities and curriculum in the school are positive actions, including content area learning (communicative skills as well as literary skills)

Our Staff

  • To maintain teachers who use positive approaches to instruction and classroom management
  • To maintain a support staff who use positive approaches to supporting students and school personnel

Parents and Community Involvement

  • To involve parents in their children’s education
  • To involve community members in education by providing support and resources to the school
  • To involve community members in developing a positive community for children and youth

Multilevel Goals

  • To unify the individual, school, family, and community with a universal philosophy within a competent bilingual environment via festivals, socio-cultural events, scholarships, out-school reaching activities, e.g. visits to Orthodox church, the market, the Greek sporting clubs
  • To build the Greek language teaching via Greek theatre, interactive learning via electronic means, games, the establishment of a school choir
  • To encourage accountability across the social strata with visiting dignitaries and highly profile personalities, including those in acting, sports and the arts.